October 7-9 / 2023

International Scientific Conference


About the conference

The purpose of the conference is to exchange between scientists the results of research in the field of international cooperation in a multipolar world.

Given the current geopolitical tensions, the organizers of the conference proceed from the fact that the potential of scientists from different countries creates enormous opportunities for solving international problems and global challenges. The organizers of the event also understand that global problems, especially of an environmental nature, cannot be solved without the development and application of modern technologies. Therefore, the future of the world order largely depends on how close ties will be built between scientists from different countries and how much they will be able to focus on constructive joint work, and not on confrontation.

At the same time, the organizers of the conference understand that scientific potential can be realized only through interaction with the business community, since business competencies are of a practical nature, which is often lacking in the scientific community. The synthesis of scientific knowledge and practical business experience is the basis that the modern world needs both to solve local and global problems. The organizers believe that the future world order is largely shaped by scientists and the expert community through innovations and scientific discoveries, as well as through the implementation of international business projects. The conference is aimed at the development of scientific diplomacy and the development of contacts between scientists and entrepreneurs.

Within the framework of the conference, we plan to consider and analyze:
  • Contribution of scientists and the expert community to solving international problems and conflicts
  • The problems of inequality and poverty in the "third world" countries in the conditions of the present world order
  • Stability of the multipolar world model
  • High technology: startups and commercial companies that contribute to solving environmental problems
  • Environmental problems and scientific initiatives in various countries for the conservation of nature and food production
  • Initiatives and projects on international cooperation in the field of science and business
Professionals will tell you about the most important
A two-day program and a huge amount of content
The conference will bring together participants from all over the world
The following sections are planned within the framework of the conference:
  • Scientific diplomacy for the development of equal international relations
    Within the framework of this section, it is supposed to consider the contribution of scientists to the theory and practice of international relations, to the solution of international problems and conflicts.
    To analyze the history of the formation and development of scientific diplomacy. It is also supposed to consider modern problems in international relations.
  • Scientific diplomacy for the implementation of a sustainable model of a multipolar world
    The section will consider the value foundations of multipolarity and the principles of international interaction of subjects in the global arena arising from them, as well as the advantages of the concept of a multipolar world for the sustainable development of human civilization.
  • Scientific diplomacy for the preservation of human civilization and nature
    The section proposes to focus on environmental issues and environmental conservation, considering this problem at the global and regional levels. To analyze various scientific initiatives in different countries on nature conservation and food production.
  • Scientific diplomacy for overcoming inequality in the development of States in the conditions of the modern world order
    Within the framework of this section, it is proposed to consider the causes and possibilities of overcoming inequality in the modern world. It is proposed to focus on socio-economic problems in the "third world" countries, to consider proposals from scientists and businesses to solve these problems.
  • Scientific diplomacy for the development of the latest technologies for nature conservation
    In this section, it is supposed to consider examples of the latest technologies from startups and commercial companies that contribute to solving environmental problems.
  • Scientific diplomacy for international cooperation in the field of science and business
    The section involves the presentation of various initiatives and projects on international cooperation in the field of science and business.
Co-organizers of the conference:

Autonomous non-profit organization

"Laboratory of Humanitarian Projects"

Faculty of World Politics

Lomonosov Moscow State University

International University


International Business Acceleration Center

Non-profit organization

"Eurasian Business Association"

Non-profit organization

"AKKAD for Cultural Exchange between Iraq and Russia"

Non-profit organization

ALFAAZ Education and Culture Society in Mumbai

Center for Central Eurasian Studies, University of Mumbai


Multidisciplinary Innovative Entrepreneurial University of Kazakhstan

Conference Partners:

Innovative company - developer of autonomous robots

"CleanSpace Robotics"

(resident of the Skolkovo Foundation)

GR Group Consulting Agency

Russian Association of Crypto economics, Artificial Intelligence and Blockchain

GETWOLA | Water with delivery in Moscow. LLC "Useful water"

This is a unique opportunity to meet interesting speakers during our three-day conference
  • Andrei Gorokhov
    Chairman of the ANO "Laboratory of Humanitarian Projects", PhD
  • Zoran Vitorovich
    Editor-in-Chief of the journal
    "Global Processes", PhD
  • Julia Berg
    Director of
    International Business Acceleration Center

  • Nabeel Abdullah Al-kaeath
    President of a non-profit organization
    "AKKAD for cultural exchange between Iraq and Russia"
  • Irina Dubovskaya
    Associate Professor of the Faculty of World Politics of Lomonosov Moscow State University, Head of the Center for Cultural Diplomacy and Creative Industries Creative Connections, speaker of the School of Startups of the Skolkovo Foundation, teacher and mentor of projects of the Center for Creative Industries RANEPA, PhD in Cultural Studies
  • Shoaib Khan
    Founder and President of the ALFAAZ Society of Education and Culture in Mumbai, Visiting Faculty, University of Mumbai, PhD (India)
  • Olga Krasnyak
    Director of the Center for International Cooperation of the Faculty of Law of the National Research University "Higher School of Economics", PhD of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor
  • Gabriel Lopez
    President and Founder of Uni logos International University, PhD
  • Andrei Demidov
    Senior Researcher at the Center for International Scientific and Technical Cooperation of the Russian Research Institute of Economics, Politics and Law in the Scientific and Technical Field, PhD of Political Sciences
  • Maxim Chistyakov
    President of the non-profit organization
    "Eurasian Business Association"
  • Nikolai Smirnov
    Director of the innovative company
    of CleanSpace Robotics
  • Andrei Gromov
    Founder of a consulting agency
    GR Group
  • Ibrahim Khalid Aldossary
    Expert in international humanitarian law. Advisor to a number of major humanitarian organizations in Saudi Arabia
  • Guenouna Ibn Elkaim Ishak
    Researcher from Nouakchott University,
    Head of the Federation of Education Workers of Algeria, Chairman of the National Preparatory Committee of the World Youth Festival in Algeria
  • Ahmed Mohamed Attia Barrani
    Director Assistant for Marketing and Business Development at the National Training Academy in Egypt
  • Imelda Ibanez
    Lecturer at the Center for International Relations of the Faculty of Political and Social Sciences of the National Autonomous University of Mexico
  • Alexander Brazhnikov
    Executive Director of the Russian Association of Cryptoeconomics, Artificial Intelligence and Blockchain
  • Mitja Znidaric
    Security Enginer (Slovenia)
  • Elena Ershova

    Associate Professor at the Diplomatic Academy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia,

    PhD of Pedagogical Sciences

  • Larisa Orinina

    Head of the Sector for Work with Foreign Partners and Academic Mobility of the Tajik National University, Associate Professor, PhD of Pedagogical Sciences

  • Jagdish Khatri

    Ex-Head of UNESCO Chair at Mandsaur University, President of Allahabad Management Association and Member of All India Management Association, Professor, Corporate Trainer, author and Global Analyst, PhD

  • Anastasia Rudnitskaya
    Head of the Center for Operational Monitoring and Evaluation of the Development of Science and Innovation of the Russian Research Institute of Economics, Politics and Law in the Scientific and Technical Field, PhD of Political Sciences, Associate Professor
  • Yuri Bondarenko
    Professor of the Slavic Academy of Sciences, Education, Arts and Culture, member of the Congress of Religious Scholars of the Republic of Kazakhstan, PhD
Information partners:

Photos from the opening of the international scientific conference "Science Diplomacy for the present and future world order".

Offline platform, Moscow, October 7, 2023

Conference Agenda
October 7,
13:30 – 14:00
(Moscow time)
October 7,
14:00 – 16:40 (Moscow time)
Science diplomacy: modern challenges and historical parallels
Andrei Gorokhov, Chairman of ANO "Laboratory of Humanitarian Projects", PhD of Political Sciences
On topical issues of the development of science diplomacy
Zoran Vitorovich, Editor-in-Chief of the journal "Global Processes", PhD
Expert community and scientific diplomacy in a multipolar world
Julia Berg, Director of the International Business Acceleration Center
Personal brand of a scientist and teacher as a driver of science diplomacy: trends and prospects
Irina Dubovskaya, Head of the Center for Cultural Diplomacy and Creative Industries Creative Connections, speaker of the School of Startups of the Skolkovo Foundation, Associate Professor of the Faculty of World Politics of Lomonosov Moscow State University, lecturer and mentor of projects of the Center for Creative Industries RANEPA, Candidate of Cultural Studies
Prospects for cooperation of the business community of the Eurasian Economic Union with scientific centers and innovators
Maxim Chistyakov, President of the non-profit organization "Eurasian Business Association"
The new digital technologies for international cooperation between scientists and business
Alexander Brazhnikov, Executive Director of the Russian Association of Cryptoeconomics, Artificial Intelligence and Blockchain
Modern robots for solving global problems: on the example of an all-weather, unmanned cleaning robot from CleanSpace Robotics
Nikolay Smirnov, Director of CleanSpace Robotics
On the prospects of cooperation with scientific and humanitarian organizations of Saudi Arabia
Ibrahim Khalid Aldossari, expert in international humanitarian law, Advisor to humanitarian organizations in Saudi Arabia
On the prospects of cooperation with universities in Iraq
Nabeel Abdullah Al-kaeath, President of the non-profit organization "Akkad for Cultural Exchange between Iraq and Russia", Associate Professor, Lecturer at the Faculty of Agriculture of Al-Muthanna University (Republic of Iraq)
On the prospects of cooperation with the business community and scientific centers of Egypt
Ahmed Mohamed Attia Barrani, Director Assistant for Marketing and Business Development at the National Training Academy in Egypt
Science diplomacy in international relations and its importance in conflict resolution
Shoaib Khan, Founder and President of the ALFAAZ Society of Education and Culture in Mumbai, Visiting Faculty, University of Mumbai, PhD (India)
About the development experience of the Uni logos International University
Gabriel Lopez, President and Founder of Uni logos International University, PhD
About the prospects of cooperation with teachers and scientists from Algeria
Guenouna Ibn Elkaim Ishak, researcher from Nouakchott University, Head of the Algerian Federation of Educators, Chairman of the National Preparatory Committee of the World Youth Festival in Algeria
On the prospects of cooperation with universities of Kazakhstan on research and teaching of subjects in information technology
Artem Bykov, Acting Head of the Department of Information Systems and Technologies at Esil University, Associate Professor, Candidate of Technical Sciences (Kazakhstan)
Andrei Gromov, CEO of GR-Group Consulting agency
Will take part in the discussion:
Anna Gerasimova, Vice President of the company "ZANGER"

Alexandra Pavlyuchenko, Lecturer, Faculty of World Politics, Lomonosov Moscow State University

Alexander Ivanov, Deputy Director of the LEADER School in Khimki
October 7,
16:40 – 17:00 (Moscow time)

Coffee break
October 7,
17:00 – 19:00
(Moscow time)
Moderator: Julia Berg, Founder of the GlobUs International Expert Club
Features of Russia's "soft power" in Latin America
Anton Zakutin, Political Scientist, Press Secretary of the Russian Embassy in Chile
Elizaveta Abramova, Editor-in-chief of the magazine "Persona of the Country" (Russia)
Daniel Kovalik, Professor, expert in international law (USA)
Jose Matemulane, Professor (Mozambique)
Andrei Gromov, Founder of the Vozrozhdenie Foundation (Russia)
Rishabh Sethi, Expert on International Relations and public Diplomacy (India)
Historical and axiological aspects of the "polarity" of the geopolitical world order
Yuri Bondarenko, Professor of the Slavic Academy of Sciences, Education, Arts and Culture, member of the Congress of Religious Scholars of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Candidate of Philosophical Sciences (Kazakhstan)
Problems and prospects of the formation and development of a multipolar world
Abdullah Alsalih, Director for International Cooperation and Mass Media of the non-profit organization "Akkad for Cultural Exchange between Iraq and Russia" (Iraq)
Science diplomacy for the implementation of a sustainable model of a multipolar world
Mawulie Komi Apati-Bassah, Cultural Events Adviser in Togo, Chairman of the Joint People's Action Party (Togolese Republic)
Transformation of the World Order: towards true Multipolarity
Dmitry Yezhov, Associate Professor, Department of Political Science, Faculty of Social Sciences and Mass Communications, Financial University under the Government of Russia, Candidate of Political Sciences, Associate Professor (Russia)
October 8th,
14.00 - 15.30
Academic sanctions and scientific diplomacy: a new dimension of geopolitical reality
Olga Krasnyak, Director of the Center for International Cooperation, Faculty of Law, HSE, PhD of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor
The diplomatic context of international relations as the basis for creating a meditative space
Larisa Orinina, Head of the Sector for Work with Foreign Partners and Academic Mobility of the Tajik National University, Associate Professor, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences
Development of Russia's international scientific relations with MENA countries using scientific diplomacy tools
Irina Vasilyeva, Head of the Center for International Scientific and Technical Cooperation, Russian Research Institute of Economics, Politics and Law in the Scientific and Technical Field;

Raisa Bogatova, Analyst at the Russian Research Institute of Economics, Politics and Law in the Scientific and Technical Field
Development of the Concept of scientific diplomacy of Russia in relation to the countries of the Middle East and the Mediterranean
Andrei Demidov, Senior Researcher at the Center for International Scientific and Technical Cooperation of the Russian Research Institute of Economics, Politics and Law in the Scientific and Technical Field (RIEPP), PhD of Political Sciences
Education and science in Algeria: reality and prospects
Guenouna Ibn Elkaim Ishak, researcher from Nouakchott University, Head of the Algerian Federation of Educators, Chairman of the National Preparatory Committee of the World Youth Festival in Algeria
The development and challenges of Mexican scientific diplomacy in the face of global transformations. Prospects of relations with the Russian Federation
Guzman Imelda Ibanes, Master of International Studies, Postgraduate student of the Postgraduate Program in Political and Social Sciences of the National Autonomous University of Mexico
Prospects for humanitarian cooperation between Russia and Serbia
Vladimir Boldin, Assistant of the Department of History of Socio-Political Doctrines, Faculty of Political Science, Lomonosov Moscow State University, PhD of Political Sciences
Open source software as a factor in strengthening the polycentric world order
Oleg Ivanov-Vatashchenko, member of the Organizing Committee of the Strategic Initiatives Club of the Agency for Strategic Initiatives and the Government of Moscow, member of the working group of the Headquarters for the Protection of the Rights of Subjects of Investment and Entrepreneurial Activity of the Government of Moscow (Russia)
Participation in the discussion
Maad Basim, a teacher in Basra (Iraq)
October 8,
15:20 – 16:00
(Moscow time)
Coffee break
October 8th,
16.00 - 17.40
(Moscow time)
Moderator: Zoran Vitorovich, Editor-in-Chief of the journal "Global Processes", PhD
Climate science diplomacy as a tool for achieving long-term peace on the globe
Zoran Vitorovich, Editor-in-Chief of the journal "Global Processes", PhD
The impact of conflicts on the environment and global food security between the policy of a unipolar world and multipolarity
Nabeel Abdullah Al-kaeath, President of the non-profit organization "Akkad for Cultural Exchange between Iraq and Russia", Associate Professor, Lecturer in Agriculture at Al-Muthanna University (Iraq)
The role of renewable energy sources in the context of energy security in the modern environmental agenda
Elena Ershova, Associate Professor at the Diplomatic Academy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia, PhD of Pedagogical Sciences
Humanity is the language of the world
Ibrahim Khalid Aldossari, expert in international humanitarian law, Advisor to humanitarian organizations in Saudi Arabia
Science diplomacy for effective democracy
Jagdish Khatri, Ex-Head of UNESCO Chair at Mandsaur University, President of Allahabad Management Association and Member of All India Management Association, Professor, Corporate Trainer, author and Global Analyst, PhD
Science diplomacy in international relations and its importance in conflict resolution
Shoaib Khan, Founder and President of the ALFAAZ Society of Education and Culture in Mumbai, Visiting Faculty, University of Mumbai, PhD (India)
How to overcome poverty through volunteering
Ahmed Mohamed Attia Barrani, Assistant Director of Marketing and Business Development at the National Academy of Advanced Training of Egypt
The prospect of using the Phoenix dactylifera plant in medicine and the development of drugs based on BAS
Mahdi Hanoon Nwaedh, Deputy Head of the Environment Department of the Agriculture Department of the Maysan Governorate (Iraq)
Problems of climate change, water scarcity and food security
Salih Al-Salim, Head of the Research Department of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Dhi Qar Region, PhD (Iraq)
Air pollution in Basra Governorate as a result of refinery emissions
Fatima Riad Taha Al-Hassani, expert from Basra Region (Iraq)
October 9,
13.00 - 14.30 (Moscow time)



Moderator: Artem Bykov, Acting Head of the Department of Information Systems and Technologies at Esil University, Associate Professor, PhD of Technical Sciences

Participants of the round table:

Kasenova Leyla Galimbekovna, Chief Specialist of the International Cooperation Department at Esil University (Kazakhstan)
International academic mobility and scientific cooperation

Altynbek Serik Atakonysuly, Vice-Rector for Science and International Relations of the Kazakh University of Technology and Business, PhD (Kazakhstan)
Commercial analysis of the results of scientific activity based on grant funding of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Artem A. Bykov, Acting Head of the Department of Information Systems and Technologies at Esil University, Associate Professor, Candidate of Technical Sciences (Kazakhstan)
The practice of conducting programming courses for schoolchildren

Ahmed Mohamed Attia Barrani, Assistant Director of Marketing and Business Development at the National Academy of Advanced Training of Egypt, Head of the company "EgyptYo" (Egypt)
About the digital initiative and the project "Digitalization of Africa"

Mitja Znidaric, Security Engineer at the company (Slovenia)
Cybersecurity and critical infrastructure

Salam Hmoud, Associate Professor, Faculty of Business Management, College of Management and Economics, Al-Muthanna University (Iraq)
Contribution of digital transformation strategies to achieving business sustainability through the intermediary role of an entrepreneurial organization

Dalal Mohammed Mohsin, expert on working with NGOs (Iraq)
Experience in using information technology by non-profit organizations

Zhusupov Alpysbay Dyusembayevich, Professor of the Department of "Law" Esil
University, Professor, Doctor of Law (Kazakhstan)
Legal innovation in the competence approach to modern education

Alexander Vorobyov, Electronics Engineer (Russia)
Electronics of the future

Bekzhanova Toty Kalzhanovna, Associate Professor of the Department of Accounting and Auditing at Esil University, PhD of Economic Sciences (Kazakhstan)
Digital Finance
October 9,
16.00 - 17.30 (Moscow time)



Alexandra Pavlyuchenko, Lecturer, Faculty of World Politics, Lomonosov Moscow State University;

Alexandra Khatkevich, Coordinator of the Expert Council of Young Political Scientists of the RP-RPS magazine

Participants of the section:

Alexander Ivanov, Deputy Director of MBOU SOSH "LEADER" of Khimki, Moscow region, postgraduate student of the Department of World Economy and Statistics of P.G. Demidov Yaroslavl State University
Prospects for the development of scientific diplomacy of young scientists from the countries of the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU)

Mohamed Alnakib, Master's degree student at Ural Federal University
Iraq's Scientific Diplomacy for the present and future world Order

Oksana Duguzheva, Specialist of the Department of Publication Analytics of the Scientific Library of the North Caucasus Federal University, graduate student
Results of the 27th session of the Conference of the Parties (COP27): problems and prospects

Olga Talskaya, Researcher at the Institute of Sociology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Assistant at the Department of the History of Socio-Political Doctrines of the Faculty of Political Science of Lomonosov Moscow State University
The role of scientific diplomacy in strengthening State sovereignty in the context of the formation of a new world order

Alina Naumenko, Assistant Professor of Comparative Political Science, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Patrice Lumumba Peoples' Friendship University of Russia
The concept of a multipolar world in Russian political discourse

Ulyana Zhigalova, a graduate student of the Russian State University for the Humanities
The development of scientific diplomacy in the Mediterranean on the example of Italian-Tunisian relations in the XXI century

Ekaterina Kotovskaya, student of the Department of Political Science and Political Management of the ION RANEPA under the President of the Russian Federation
Scientific diplomacy in the strategic policy of the Republic of Turkey (on the example of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation)

Marina Dyachkina, student of Tomsk State University
BRICS countries' cooperation to achieve Sustainable Development Goals

Andrey Shushlebin, Master's student of the Department of Sociology and Political Science of the Historical Faculty of Voronezh State University
International scientific cooperation in the field of countering color revolutions: problems and prospects
October 7-9 / 2023
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